【日本の料亭】なだ万本店 山茶花荘② 伝統を守りつつ進化し続ける料理
監修:なだ万本店 山茶花荘
「老舗はいつも新しい」なだ万のこころは、何より饗される見事な料理に現れているのではないでしょうか。お料理は、花桐の間にて頂きました。同席してくださったのは、なだ万本店 山茶花荘調理長の咲本さんです。
“A long-established restaurant has always something new”. That policy of NADAMAN appears in the splendid dishes served to the guests. I had them at Room Hanagiri. Sazanka-so head chef Mr. Sakimoto in NADAMAN main restaurant.
Let’s introduce the comment of Chef Sakimoto while watching the beautifully prepared dishes.
【なだ万本店 山茶花荘】〝老舗はいつも新しい〟料亭料理
NADAMAN main restaurant Sazanka-so
“A long-established restaurant has always something new”, Japanese restaurant dishes
Kaiseki – Japanese course meal of NADAMAN is the full-course dinner starting with an appetizer. I ordered special dinner for this interview including seasonal vegetable dish, assorted sashimi called “otsukuri” and “kamadaki rice”.
First is vivid seasonal vegetable dish. Served in a glass plate, the dish looks like a small world with lush green and brilliant natural colors.
「In the past, we used a simple method called “Hiramori” to serve dishes. Now we think the gorgeous looking is also important for dishes and start to serve differently in height. First impression wins the hearts of guests. We want to serve dishes that makes our guest have high expectations. Our dishes aren’t always so gorgeous and brilliant, so we serve appetizer and seasonal vegetable dishes first to please our guest and raise their feelings up」
I asked head chef 「Is there anything you are trying to do especially with the dishes served at the restaurant NADMAN?」
Chef Sakimoto looks straight ahead to me and answered,
「NADAMAN always makes point of its policy, “A long-established restaurant has always something new”. To keep this, we chefs always think both something traditional and something new in our dishes. Look at this seasonal dish – this is called as “Aka Manganji”. Very traditional grilled dish with fish sinjo(steamed dumpling). But can you see? There is the truffle inside」
Lightly fried and grilled dish Aka Manganji with truffle aroma – Japanese dish meets the Western dish essence. Good looking, taste and aroma! A happy surprise makes the guest happier.
「Traditional dishes served at NADAMAN start to take in something new – both in ingredients and recipe. We never take a lot of new feature in our dishes. NADAMAN has 190 years long history and its tradition. We add something new to it give a new breeze」
では、料亭だからこそ味わえる料理、料亭ならではということはあるのでしょうか。私たちが普段、少し贅沢をして頂くような割烹料理や和食店とも違う、なだ万本店 山茶花荘だから味わえるもの。
Could you tell the unique and special dishes of Sazanka-so? I want to hear of the dishes very different from ordinary dishes at casual Japanese restaurant.
「We use the best and carefully selected ingredients for our dishes. For sashimi, we use the best of the best part of the fish for our guests. We always serve dishes with the highest grade ingredients」
「We elaborately choose the tableware for the dishes. These bamboo plates are made by us. Colors are very important in cuisine so we don’t choose the simple color tableware. Not only vivid colors like red or yellow, we also select dark colored dish and bowl to suit each dish」
A wet bamboo dish looks fresh and emphasizes the red color of tuna sashimi. It is natural for this Japanese restaurant to serve the highest grade dishes – but head chef thinks it is more important to keep the basics of cooking.
【なだ万本店 山茶花荘】最高の料理を最高の状態で
NADAMAN main restaurant Sazanka-so
The best dishes with the best condition
[なだ万本店 山茶花荘咲本調理長]
[Head chef Sakimoto of Sazanka-so]
「The very basic is, Hot dish should be served while it is hot, and cold one while cold. We don’t think it is sufficient just to serve ordered dishes. To make good dishes with the best ingredients is not enough. Serving the best dishes with the best condition, at the best timing – it will be out goal」
When we serve cold dish, we prepare a hilled spoon. We serve next dish in good timing, when our guest finished previous one.
「It is not easy to make good things. But it is much harder than that to serve the highest grade dish in the best timing. It cannot be possible only with kitchen staff. Attendant servers give us close contact so we can determine when to cook and when to serve. We focus to serve fresh cooked meal」
「Although is not in today’s course meal, the soup is one of the most challenging one to serve in best condition and timing. Master taught us that taste of soup tells the restaurant’s skill. Making dashi(soup stock) is also very important. We make dashi when cooking is about to start. If we are taking time too long, scent of bonito in dashi will vanish. But it is not good to rush. Bonito has slight bad smell and it needs short time to remove it. A detailed calculation is required. This is our job – to serve the best soup always」
The head chef was telling in a low and rich voice but lower his voice a bit, and said “Yes, but it is really hard point to master”. To serve the best dish is the hard way – carefully selected ingredients, brilliant cooking skill, and time management – there is a lot of difficulty in the work of Chef Sakimoto.
【なだ万本店 山茶花荘】お客さまが第一
NADAMAN main restaurant Sazanka-so
Customer first
「Sazanka-so is a symbol of NADAMAN. Not to mention the dishes served here, every meal of NADAMAN branch is prepared with taking plenty of time and selection. I know all restaurants do such efforts, but I believe, this is the special one」
「山茶花荘には、例えばですけども、葵の間はご覧になりましたか? あのふすまの書をご覧になりたいといっていらっしゃるお客さまもいます。でも、私はそれはそれでいいと思っていて、なぜなら、ぜひ見たいと思っている書をご覧になってね、そうしたら料理だって、より一層おいしく感じられると思うんですね。やはり、お客さまの思いというか、願いというか、お客さまが第一なんです。書をご覧になって素晴らしい体験をして頂いてね、それで、料理で、あ、これ美味しいね、なんのお魚かね、と接客の者にでも聞いて下さったらね、それが一番ですね」
「For example… did you see Room Aoi? There is a customer just want to take a look of calligraphy on a fusuma sliding door. It is okay for me that a guest comes here with a calligraphy as a first reason – our dish is next. The satisfaction of customer comes first for us. Having a meal with looking at a calligraphy which a guest really wanted to see makes dish more delicious. After enjoying a calligraphy and happen to notice a good taste of our dish – he/she may ask our attendant server about the detail of them. That is enough」
I imagined head chef Sakimoto cooking delicious dishes one after another with a tight face, leading young chefs. But he in front of me had a regretful face and said to me,
「Ah, please enjoy your meal . I regret that it is not in the best condition because time has passed a bit」
His feelings completely got through to me – he was really feeling sorry because his dish was not “the best” for him. And a landlady showed me the kamadaki rice.
【なだ万本店 山茶花荘】食欲を奮い立たす釜炊きご飯
NADAMAN main restaurant Sazanka-so
Appetizing kamadaki rice
「Our rice are all kamadaki rice. We cook rice each time for a customer. Today’s rice is sakura shrimp cooked rice」
若女将が蓋をとると、ぷーんと香ばしい匂いが広がりました。きれいなピンク色の桜エビが、これでもかと埋め尽くすようにご飯の上にのっています。ああ、なんて美味しそうなんだろう! のぞきこみ、喉が鳴りそうになるのを我慢していると、若女将が気持ちを察したのでしょうか。
As a landlady opened the kamadaki rice, a pleasant smell spreads our. Tiny shrimps with beautiful pink covers the cooked rice. How delicious it looks! I barely resisted to jump on, and she seemed to sense my feelings.
「Cooked rice comes later in the course so some guests say they are too full to eat. But when I open the kamadaki rice, they often change their mind and say like “just a bite…”」
Warm steam and appetizing scent makes customers think “just a bite”.
Served cooked rice with sakura shrimps are so delicious. Shrimp aroma and rice taste welcomed me and I was filled with deliciousness.
Dishes with real good taste makes us forget ourselves. So people feel “we must eat” in every situation – not only when we are happy but we are in sorrow or suffer. Forget everything, focus enjoying good tastes I recommend treating yourself at Sazanka-so for your better and healthier life.
【なだ万本店 山茶花荘】母の味が支えてきた調理人への道
NADAMAN main restaurant Sazanka-so
The path of the chef supported by mother’s home cooking
The interview came to end and I was enjoying the course meal. I asked chef 「why did you think that you wanted to become a Japanese cook?」
His serious face broke into a smile when I asked it.
「After all, I think that is mother’s influence. My mother has cooked only Japanese foods. I have never eaten any Western foods, like curry and rice, hamburger steak, or spaghetti」
I stopped my hand and stared at him. How unique boyhood – without curry and rice!
「母親は古い人間ですから、単純に作れなかったんだと思います。子どもの頃から食べて育ってきた味っていうのがあるもんでしょう? 私には、食といったら和食しかなかったんです」
「My mother was old-fashioned woman, so I guess she simply did not know and cook Western foods. Everyone has mother’s home cooking taste in each life. For me, that is only Japanese foods」
Its origin is mother’s home cooking. With efforts and self-improvement, chef Sakimoto became head chef of Sazanka-so, managing the kitchen. His taste is supported by his mother’s cooking such as rice, grilled fish, boiled green vegetables. I felt keenly chef’s history of deliciousness.
「There are many foods for the first time after I choose my job as a chef. Like truffle…haha. I eat many kinds of foods now. But well, everytime I have something new in Chinese foods, French foods… I cannot stop thinking “what is the ingredients?” or “does this work for Japanese recipe?”」
Chef Sakimoto sometimes goes to the botanical garden.
「Plants and flowers in the botanical garden are planted in well-considered composition in both colors and places to show them more beautiful. I learn many things there with thinking “What color is it next to yellow flower?” or, “What tone of green color looks beautiful?”」
なだ万本店 山茶花荘調理長もまた、今なお一歩、一歩とあゆみをとめることなく、探求し続けているのです。
Head chef of Sazanka-so keeps exploring step by step.
【なだ万本店 山茶花荘】伝統を守りつつ常に新しさを求めて
NADAMAN main restaurant Sazanka-so
Looking for something new with keeping up traditions
NADAMAN has its history, and people supporting NADAMAN also have their history. Long-established restaurant has its traditions, but never rest on it. Remember “A long-established store has always something new”. NADAMAN keep moving through, seeking something new with keeping its traditions. I was able to know one of the best restaurant named NADAMAN and people supporting it. It was the very happy time for me.
One last thing.
お味については「ただただ美味しい!」のひと言に尽きます。お料理の写真と共に、まったり、だの、さっぱり、だの、あれこれと感想をお伝えしようかとも思いましたが、これはやはり、なだ万本店 山茶花荘にぜひ訪れて頂き、あなた自身で味わって頂きたい。ですので、今回ご用意頂いた料理のお品書きだけ、最後に載せておきます。
I cannot find the words I should say about the tastes. I say, just so delicious. Words like “creamy” or “fresh” are not enough for the dishes of NADAMAN. I strongly recommend you to visit NADAMAN main restaurant Sazanka-so by yourselves. Here is the menu of the course meal at that day.
・京しろ菜 煮鮑浸し
・毛蟹身出し 袱紗キュウリ 軸防風 生姜酢ゼリー
・碓井葛戸津 生雲丹 べっこう飴
・帆立 才巻 長芋 椎茸 酒盗クリーム ラディッシュ キャビア
・関鯖小袖寿司 酢取り茗荷
・桜海老 京筍釜炊きご飯 三つ葉
Seasonal vegetables and meals
・Kyo-Shirona, ni-awabi-mushi
・kegani-midashi, fukusa-kyuri, jikubouhu, ginger-vinegar jelly
・usui-Kudzu tofu, raw sea urchin, bekko-ame
・Japanese scallop, Saimaki, Chinese yam, shiitake mushroom, shutocream, radish, caviar
・Sekisaba(mackerel) tiny sushi, vinegared Japanese ginger
・maruju(sweet potato)-mitsu-ni
・karasumi(dried mullet roe)
・Aka Manganji(red pepper) fry with truffle dumplings
・soramame(broad bean)-mitsu-ni
Assorted sashimi
・Sea bream
・Bluefin tuna
・Striped jack
・Sweet shrimp
Main dish
・kamadaki rice with sakura shrimps and mitsuba(Japanese honeywort)
<Head chef of Sazanka-so>
咲本 博司 Hiroshi Sakimoto 執行役員 調理本部副本部長
1958年生まれ 京都府出身 中之島なだ万入社後、香港カオルーンなだ万、大阪東急ホテル店(当時)調理長、シェラトンホテル店(当時)調理長、本店山茶花荘 兼 紀尾井なだ万調理長を経て、2019年執行役員 調理本部副本部長 本店山茶花荘 兼 紀尾井なだ万調理長に就任、現在に至る。
Hiroshi Sakimoto
executive officer, general manager of cooking headquarters
born on 1958, in Kyoto.
after joining NADAMAN Nakanoshima branch, got experienced as a chef of NADAMAN Kowloon branch, a head chef of Osaka Tokyu Hotel branch, a head chef of Sheraton Hotel branch, a head chef of main store Sazanka-so and Kioi branch. Accepted office as an executive officer and a general manager of cooking headquarters and a head chef Kioi branch.
取材/文 大橋 礼
Interview and article by: Rei Ohashi
なだ万本店 山茶花荘

〒102-8578 東京都千代田区紀尾井町4-1 ホテルニューオータニ庭園内
昼 11:30~15:00 夜 17:00~22:00 ※完全予約制